Since its inception, NAZA has continuously invested in building youth workers’ capacity to provide high-quality programming through free-of-charge trainings in positive youth development, youth program quality assessment, mental health, youth engagement, project-based learning, literacy and more. The offered professional development opportunities are intentionally five positive youth development principles that Nashville adopted in 2009, as well as to the domains of instructional quality that NAZA tracks through a partnership with the Weikart Center. NAZA trainings are free to all professionals in Nashville working with youth. In 2019-2020, 441 youth development professionals participated in our trainings and reported a 68% knowledge increase and an 86% skills increase.
It opened my eyes to what I did not even know was missing in my program. I feel like i have learned things so I can better connect with my kids.
It gave me a direction for me personally and how to get my kids involved in our program.
Many of us don’t have a Bachelor’s degree in youth development. To see a list of everything we should be doing is really helpful.