Registration Now Open for the 3rd Annual L.E.D. Conference

Join us at the Main Library Conference Center on Thursday, March 6, 2025 for the 3rd Annual Learn, Engage, Develop! Conference for OST Practitioners. This FREE conference will feature workshops on a variety of topics relevant to youth development professionals. Click here for details and registration.

Read the Youth In Action! 5-Year Report

Just over 5 years ago, NAZA launched its Youth In Action! youth leadership initiative. Since then, more than 1,400 youth in Nashville & Davidson County have led service projects to improve their schools and neighborhoods, hosted community events, participated in advocacy efforts, traveled to local and national conferences, and learned skills including leadership, project management, teamwork, public speaking, and budgeting. …

Lights On Afterschool 2024: NAZA Partner Events

Lights On Afterschool is a nationwide event that unites thousands of community organizations and millions of attendees to celebrate and promote the importance of afterschool programs. Many of NAZA’s partners will be hosting community events in October to celebrate Lights On Afterschool. We hope to see you there! Thursday, October 24, 2024 Beech Creek Ministries | Beech Creek Missionary Baptist …

New Website Helps Youth Develop Skills for Life

NAZA is excited to announce the launch of the new, interactive Nashville’s Vision for Holistic Youth Development website! The website features content for youth, parents/caregivers and community members, and youth development professionals. There are videos, downloadable resources, and fun activities that help young people develop the skills outlined in Nashville’s Vision for Holistic Youth Development as essential for youth to …

Youth Voice Is Becoming a Priority in Federal Policy and Practice

The Nashville After Zone Alliance (NAZA) is an out-of-school time network, operating as part of the Nashville Public Library that provides funding and support for programs to increase youths’ equitable access to out-of-school time learning experiences that help youth thrive and develop to their full potential. One of the ways that we engage with youth directly is empowering them through …

2024-2025 Program Funding Applications Now Open!

The 2024-2025 Call for Proposals has now opened. If you are a non-profit organization that is interested in being a NAZA-Funded Partner, please click here for full details and to submit your application. Applications close April 15, 2024.

NAZA Enhances Partnership with the Juvenile Justice Center of Nashville and Davidson County, Metro Nashville Public Schools, and Non-profit Partners to Pilot Youth Development Programs for Youth Impacted by Justice System

NAZA’s funding for afterschool and summer programs enables access to quality programs for all the young people who attend given schools or live in the neighborhoods where these programs are offered. While this approach ensures equity of access, we realized that young people who may not currently be in the schools or in the neighborhoods where regular programs are being …

Lights On Afterschool 2023: NAZA Partner Events

Lights On Afterschool is a nationwide event that unites thousands of community organizations and millions of attendees to celebrate and promote the importance of afterschool programs. Many of NAZA’s partners will be hosting community events in October to celebrate Lights On Afterschool. We hope to see you there! Tuesday, October 24, 2023 Global Outreach Developments International – DuPont Hadley | …

Community Celebrates Youth at First Annual Youth Matters Gala & Showcase

More than 100 youth and adults gathered on Thursday, June 8, 2023 for the first annual Youth Matters Gala & Showcase. The event was created by the youth leaders of NAZA’s Youth In Action! to showcase their work over the past year and provide a space for youth and adults to support and learn from each other. “I appreciated the …

NAZA in the News

NAZA offers safe spaces, fun for Nashville middle schoolers “Middle school is a tough time for kids – just that adolescence,” [Metro Parks Program Coordinator Reggie Robinson] said. “(I’m) trying to teach them to be kind to each other, how to handle their emotions, how to handle conflict, conflict management. Just trying to provide a safe space where they can …