Bethlehem Centers of Nashville
1417 Charlotte Ave, Nashville, TN 37203
Contact Name:
Steve E. Fleming
Contact Phone:
Contact Email:
4:00-6:00 PM During School Year/Afterschool
8:00 AM-4:30 PM Summer/Out of School Time, Monday through ThursdayTimes Offered:
After School, Fall Break, Spring Break, Summer
Program Focus:
Afterschool Programming, Tutoring, Recreation, Health and Fitness, Summer Camps Grades K-8, Experience Work Teens, Service Learning and Outreach, STEM and Literacy
Program Design:
Zip Codes Served:
Primarily 37203 and 37208
Grade Ranges Served:
K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12
Schools Served:
Park Avenue, McKissack Middle School, Pearl-Cohn High School and 15th Avenue North Learning Academy Childcare at Bethlehem Center
Transportation from school to programming provided
Snacks or Meals provided?
Snack, Hot meal
Scholarships Available?
This is a free program
Apply online to NAZA-Funded Stars of Bethlehem program at McKissack Middle.